Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Presidential Election -- A month later

As I sat down to write a blog post, I was thinking about the election, just a four weeks ago today.   Most people in my neck of the woods were devastated by the outcome. It is not a secret, that I like and respect our current president--that I was grateful he won the day. There is a quiet dignity about him that I wish I could cultivate in myself.

You see, I'm somewhat missplaced in the middle of the mid-west. Big Mama is a straight, Christian, liberal, pro-choice, home and hearth loving, work-at-home, single, adoptive mother of two. It just goes to show that in America, even in Indiana, there is room for us all. :)

This year, during the time leading up to the election, I tried to emulate my President. When I heard and read the horrible, disrespectful things bantered about by people I considered friends...well, I was shocked and also surprised. I barely recognized these gentle folks, who I love and respect, as neighbors and friends.

But the BEAUTY of this country is that we can disagree, fundamentally, with our neighbors and friends and still be neighbors and friends. In the country in which the Little Mouths were born, Russia, this was not always the case.

It is not a secret that I love my country and hold closest to my heart, our right to protest what we don't love not only our mouths and but also our feet. I have marched in Washington for civil rights, women's rights and GLBT rights and once, inaccidentally,holding hands with Jessie Jackson, for DC statehood rights.

I went to these marches because I was young and it was an adventure and I wanted to believe I could help change the world. I don't know if it changed anything...except me, maybe.

I learned from my politically active twenties, that one person CAN made a difference. One person can take action and do something that matters. I might have not changed the world by putting one foot in front of the other on the streets of Washington, but I changed myself into someone who wasn't afraid to think outside the box and redefine her life in way that not only changed her world, but the world of two Little Mouths, as well. 

My largest act of civil disobedience may not have been quite what I had planned when I was younger...but they sure are cute!!

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